Carmichael Family Law and Consulting
Carmichael Family Law and Consulting
P: 912-254-7361 F: 912-254-4002

Because We All Need Somebody To Lean On
Because We All Need Somebody To Lean On
Find the support you need to reclaim your future as a family. Carmichael Family Law can advocate for the parents and/or children of a family in crisis.
Defending Families
Defending Families

Guardian Ad Litem (GAL)
Guardian Ad Litem (GAL)
It is all to easy for a child to "get lost" in the system. Children need fierce advocates to fight for their interests in a child welfare (dependency or DFCS) case. From identifying placement resources to promoting educational stability, Carmichael Family Law is passionate about serving Georgia's at-risk children.
Child's Attorney
Child's Attorney
In Georgia, children have the right to have both a GAL (guardian ad litem) and an attorney. The GAL promotes the child's best interest, while the job of the Child's Attorney is advocating for what the child wants.

Private GAL Services
Private GAL Services
Carmichael Family Law is available to provide private guardian ad litem services for highly-contested family and probate issues.