Carmichael Family Law and Consulting
Carmichael Family Law and Consulting
P: 912-254-7361 F: 912-254-4002

Because Education is Key to Your Child's Future
Because Education is Key to Your Child's Future
When your children aren't getting the education services they need or school discipline is threatening their ability to stay in school, Carmichael Family Law can help.

Special Education
Special Education
Don't let a disability stop your child from receiving the education he or she needs. The rights of children with disabilities are protected by state and federal laws. We can help you ensure your child's school is meeting it's responsibilities to your child.
School Discipline
School Discipline
Every child has the right to receive an education, but sometimes school discipline can interrupt their progress. If your child has been suspended or you suspect his or her discipline issues are related to a disability, we can help.